Friday, December 19, 2008

Who Do I Complain To About Bank Of America

BULLYING: Andai Mussel?

The Chilean educational system, there is a range of 35 to 55 percent of conduct that constitutes bullying, school bullying and school violence. These start at 6 or 7 years, coming to pick between 10 and 13, ie in the middle stage of formation of values \u200b\u200bof children. Our duty as parents and authorities, is to create awareness, along with mechanisms and solutions that ensure the physical and psychological integrity of our children and young people and, thus, try halt the rise of violence, which is only a poor reflection of our society that solves its disputes through beatings.

The first national survey of school violence conducted by the University Alberto Hurtado (2006), showed that 86.5 percent of students perceived to have been some type of aggression in their schools, while 38.3 percent , reported being assaulted and 36.8 percent confessed to assaulting a colleague.

This phenomenon of school violence through social and economic barriers, which is corroborated by a study by Madriaza and Garcia (2005), which concluded that 83.4 percent of schoolchildren has suffered any violence, 48.4 percent of students were victims of verbal abuse and 16.6 percent, was physically assaulted. In addition, it was found that the prevalence of physical violence in schools increases greater socioeconomic and psychological violence decreases at higher stratum.

is true that the country has some regulations such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which follows that is the State that must take concrete steps to prevent situations that harm the physical and psychological integrity, or for example Policy Coexistence MINEDUC School to address bullying, which has provided manuals to educational institutions including school mediation and peaceful resolution of conflicts, but unfortunately, this does not translate into concrete sanctions were unaware of the existence of mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the objectives of this policy provided by public schools, subsidized or individuals. In particular, we do not know if they really do talks or not and whether aid is actually delivered to minors.

not justify the creation of a special act of bullying, although there is no sanction in the existing system and the lack of a specific and clear direction for judges, which in addition to reasons of speed with which they must attack the subject, led me Aron to strengthen the agencies created in the General Law of Education, with signs that express their right to study in a tolerant and mutual respect, in addition to overseeing the process led by the schools and the MOE itself.

Violence in schools is only the absence of our job as parents to not be present and not giving values \u200b\u200bto teach our children tolerance and respect.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Before Waxing Moisturize

PSU: GIVING Andai JUICE! Quemaditos

income students from local schools to colleges that demand high scores on the PSU, to have fallen to 10%. Of the 270 000 students who took the test, 117 000, from municipal establishments.

Some say this decline is due to the explosive growth of students in public high schools, which render the PSU through government grants. Others believe that the cause of this fall, has its origin in the same PSU, then by measuring the content, the sharpen the differences between those institutions that do manage to spend most of their contents, and those that are less effective. But young people are the same. But, some with more economic resources, nutritional, social or cultural others.

The PSU is a lousy tool for selecting students, because the weights are inappropriate and petty and secondly, because in the world contemporary, traditional and saturated many races, it's almost a scam to students and their parents, that luck is thrown into a test that does not guarantee professional success and family. A formula to improve the mechanisms for entry to universities, would give greater prominence to the grades for Media Education. We can not underestimate the years of sacrifice and merits of youth, increasing inequalities. Today was just a matter of points obtained in this test, which will decide if finally, I can enter higher education.

which is essential to implement specific tests for specific careers. O evidence effectively achieved, measuring skills, or measure how we solve the common problems we encounter in life and even measure our artistic or athletic skills. It is good to know a little of everything, but not a sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge with an inch deep.

These days, the vocation requires, knowledge, expertise, skills and training. The most important: Albert Einstein. She could learn by his dyslexia, to interact with people and very introverted, but had other skills and abilities such as mathematics. Rising to become one of the greatest scientists in history. The

scholarships should be focused on academic merit, as required just 475 points in the PSU is insufficient. Would be appropriate to create a standardization of grants, according to academic results, otherwise, there are higher rates of college without ending, which ultimately does not answer the important thing, that the students actually completed and the holder of the career of their choice and subsequently , to find work in what they studied and what they like. Today the parents

apply all their hopes on the outcome you can get your child's test, but there are other alternatives, such as technical careers that are making great job satisfaction and life lessons. Meanwhile, many young people continue to give juice to deal with the PSU and parents with them.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Does Anyone Use Konus Scope

as chicharrones

Our region has the indices of solar radiation, higher prevalence throughout the country in San Pedro de Atacama, Calama and Maria Elena extreme levels, and in the rest of the communes, classified as dangerous levels. This not only occurs in summer, but from October to March, ie half of the year.

80% of ultraviolet radiation that a person accumulates during a lifetime, it is absorbed before 18 years, hence the importance of protecting especially children and adolescents, because According to statistics people 35 to 80 years of age are those with skin cancer.

Antofagasta is one of the regions with the highest incidence of skin cancer across the country. Only last year, the Regional Hospital of Antofagasta, 132 patients were diagnosed with skin cancer. In 2003, our region, this product killed 11 people. In 2004, 6 people and in 2005, 15 patients. In short, 3.7 people die per year, per 100 thousand inhabitants.

is important to establish through an amendment to the law, that current and future construction of sports facilities, coastal walks and rivers, public squares, pedestrian walkways, parks, educational establishments, among other works, driven by the Ministries, the Regional Government, municipalities and private enterprise, considering the installation and shaded. The purpose of my proposal is to protect us from solar radiation, with the result of skin cancer, melanoma, cataracts and weakened immune system.

nortino The family is not making a social use of these scarce and often destroyed space, because solar radiation is an imminent danger that has grown over the years and which results, public investment and private intended for consolidate these projects for family recreation is not used for the purposes intended.

I think it is necessary that the Health Authority, implement environmental alerts, such as with vehicle restrictions in Santiago, but applicable to solar radiation. In the case of San Pedro de Atacama, daily reach 18 points. Indices end to what a person can tolerate.

Preventing skin cancer as a result of radiation is aimed precisely at creating awareness about this serious public health problem, through the self and the second is to take concrete and meaningful actions by us to the authorities, because if we apply the action now, during childhood and youth to protect our children when they become adults, can suffer from skin cancer or other illnesses associated with exposure to UV rays and then the state would have bear the costs associated with this disease and treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or laser therapy. Will arise many voices against this measure, arguing that public investment is more expensive, but I prefer that the state assume a preventive role, active and long-term investment thinking about the health of people before that, now children and then adults die of cancer the skin

Monday, September 22, 2008

Novelty Drivers License Templates

Slovak wine at EXPO. Vinos eslovacos en la Expo.

On 14 September, finally closed the doors of international Expo Zaragoza 2008 and with it the Slovak stand on this unforgettable celebration of water.
Before the initiative, however, Honorary Consul Mr Jean Paul Bastiaans and leaders of our delegation to the Expo held a tasting of wines under the Slovak taktoukou sommelier Mr Rastislav Sutáka. The pleasant environment of our pavilion, made-up visual effects and pleasant company and its excellent wines, and looked one last "Slovak" evenings at Expo Zaragoza 2008.
present Mr. and ladies, most of them relevant businesses from Zaragoza, tasted special white wine, of which mention Pavelka 2007 Gewürztraminer, Chardonnay 2007 - Mrva and Stanko, 2007 Veltínske green Janousek, Devin Variety selection of the 2007th The red wines were represented Caberbet Sauvignon 2006, Pinot Noir 2007 Mrva and Stanko, 2007 Blaufränkisch Pavelka.
Slovakia thanks to this and many other successfully organized Nasome aktivitám Pavilon v, av rade neposlednom vďaka prístupu Nasich Ludi na ku každému návštevníkovi Expo, Opat reason predstavilo ako "bad Veľká krajina.

On September 14 have closed down the doors of the International Exhibition Expo Zaragoza 2008 and with it the flag of Slovakia in this unforgettable celebration of water.
past, thanks to the initiative of the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Rep. D. Jean Paul Bastiaans and senior representatives of the Slovak delegation at the Expo, held the Slovak wine tasting offered by Mr. Rastislav Sutak sommelier. Was a of the last nights "Slovak" in the Expo: the friendly atmosphere of our flag, visual effects, good company and fine wines. Ladies and Gentlemen At present, many major employers in Zaragoza, I especially liked the white wine. Mention a few: Red Traminer 2007 Pavelka, Chardonnay 2007 - Mrva and Stanko, 2007 zelené Veltínske Janousek, Variety Selection Devín 2007. The reds were represented by: Caberbet Sauvignon 2006, 2007 modré Rulandské Mrva and Stanko, 2007 Modrá Frankovka Pavelka.
Thanks to the multiple events of all kinds, as well as the attention given to visitors by the Slovak representatives, azafatas / os y la hospitalidad que tanto nos caracteriza, Eslovaquia the convertió otra vez en un "gran país pequeno".

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Microsoft Publisher How To Change To A4

Slovak Day at Expo Zaragoza 2008.

(Speech of Minister of Economy, Mr. Lubomir Jahnatek, the banquet tent in Slovak)

Parliament Chairman Pavol Paska and Minister Economy Jahnatek on Sunday (08/03/2008) reported Slovak Day at EXPO Zaragoza 2008. He co-organized and funded Slovak Tourist Board (STB). Exposure in Slovakia Slovak pavilion presents a symbolic source of Europe. "This year's Expo is trying to show that Slovakia is not only politically and economically successful country, but also a country that is environmentally responsible - a country that is proud of its natural wealth," said Chairman of the National Council of Slovakia Pavol Paska.

Slovak exposure to EXPO Zaragoza 2008 in Spain doing. The original estimate for the entire EXPO visit our pavilion around 45-thousand visitors to overcome. Already visited the pavilion of the SR around 70-thousand people. Slovak Economy Minister stand by one of the very crowded, constitute the Board and before it is good that Slovakia is presented in the exhibition. Theme of water and its utilization, which dominates the Expo, according to the Minister of Slovakia Lubomir Jahnatek very attractive due to the fact that Slovakia is rich in water. "Slovakia has a say in water management and looking for opportunities here, as the very sophisticated use their natural wealth," Minister stated Jahnatek.

booth visitors will learn not only facts about Slovakia, aquaculture, tourism and spas, but are also handing out cups with Slovak symbolism and everyone can taste the exposure directly in the Slovak water sources.

Presentation of Slovakia as a tourism destination is carried out mainly by the rich cultural program of Slovak artists. The following Slovak music and dance formations as Gypsy Devils, Fragile, Attaché Xplosion .

Exposure SR has a budget of 1.65 million euros (49.7 million). Will provide the Government of its reserves and four government ministries - the economy, agriculture, construction and regional development and environment, which are also guarantors of exposure, and the main departmental exhibitors. Slovakia is the first time in a separate exposure events such as European Union member state.

Source: MOE

Dia de Eslovaquia EN LA EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008

El Presidente Slovak Parliament Pavol Paška and Economy Minister Lubomir Jahnatek were responsible for opening the Slovakia National Day at Expo Zaragoza 2008. The national day has been organized with the National Agency of Tourism (SACR). The exhibition presents Slovakia Slovakia as a symbolic "source of Europe." " Our intention in this exhibition is to show the world that we are not only a strong country economically and politically but also a responsible country in the field of environment, a country proud of its natural wealth " he said in his speech the president of the Assembly Slovak National, Mr. Pavol Paška.

Slovak exposure is very successful in this festival of water in Zaragoza, Spain. Forecasts that the total visitors to the Slovak flag will be over 45,000 have already been surpassed. More than 70,000 visitors have already visited our pavilion. According to the Minister of Economy, our exposure is much visited, there are queues to enter and considered very good that Slovakia is represented in this important event. In an event dedicated to water and its use is a very attractive for Slovakia since we are a country with a strong potential in water. " Slovakia has much to say on the subject of industry water and here we are looking for new ideas and take advantage of sophisticated and reasonable manner the potential we have, "said Minister Jahnatek .

The visitors to our pavilion learn the basics of Slovakia, on its spas, the water industry, tourism and Slovak waters can taste different from a typical jar with the logo of our country.

To bring our country to tourists have been various artists that were taking turns in a different cultural program: Devils Gypsies, Fragile, Atas, Xplosion , vocal and instrumental groups in high level.

The budget exposure is 1.65 million Slovak euros (49.7 billion SKK). The money was provided by the Slovak Government Reservation and participated 4 ministries: Economy, Agriculture, Environment and Regional Development. It is the first time that Slovakia is participating in such significant event as a member of the European Union.
Source: MH SR (Ministry of Economy)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mature Women In Knickers

Horniak Commissioner of Expo Zaragoza 2008.

ESL: 25.07.2008 Dna
generálny Komisar v Slovenskej výstavy na Expo Zaragoza, Dusan Horniak pancreas, bol v relácii hostom Správy to komantáre na STV. Na otázky Odpovedal
moderator ohladom spokojnosti s prezentáciou krajiny nasej na tejto dolezitej Výstaviste, tiez na aspekty, ktoré nasa prinesie UCast po Slovensku v skoncení Expo Zaragoza. Na Viacar (25.07. Expo 2008 Zaragoza)

On 25.07.2008 the commissioner general of the Slovak exhibition at Expo 2008 Zaragoza Mr. Dusan Horniak, was a guest on the program · News and commentary ¨ in the Slovak Television.
presenter answered questions about what will participation in this event to Slovakia once the Expo. Also discussed are happy with the reactions and comments on the Slovak flag.
More (25.07. Expo 2008 Zaragoza)