Wednesday, August 13, 2008

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Slovak Day at Expo Zaragoza 2008.

(Speech of Minister of Economy, Mr. Lubomir Jahnatek, the banquet tent in Slovak)

Parliament Chairman Pavol Paska and Minister Economy Jahnatek on Sunday (08/03/2008) reported Slovak Day at EXPO Zaragoza 2008. He co-organized and funded Slovak Tourist Board (STB). Exposure in Slovakia Slovak pavilion presents a symbolic source of Europe. "This year's Expo is trying to show that Slovakia is not only politically and economically successful country, but also a country that is environmentally responsible - a country that is proud of its natural wealth," said Chairman of the National Council of Slovakia Pavol Paska.

Slovak exposure to EXPO Zaragoza 2008 in Spain doing. The original estimate for the entire EXPO visit our pavilion around 45-thousand visitors to overcome. Already visited the pavilion of the SR around 70-thousand people. Slovak Economy Minister stand by one of the very crowded, constitute the Board and before it is good that Slovakia is presented in the exhibition. Theme of water and its utilization, which dominates the Expo, according to the Minister of Slovakia Lubomir Jahnatek very attractive due to the fact that Slovakia is rich in water. "Slovakia has a say in water management and looking for opportunities here, as the very sophisticated use their natural wealth," Minister stated Jahnatek.

booth visitors will learn not only facts about Slovakia, aquaculture, tourism and spas, but are also handing out cups with Slovak symbolism and everyone can taste the exposure directly in the Slovak water sources.

Presentation of Slovakia as a tourism destination is carried out mainly by the rich cultural program of Slovak artists. The following Slovak music and dance formations as Gypsy Devils, Fragile, Attaché Xplosion .

Exposure SR has a budget of 1.65 million euros (49.7 million). Will provide the Government of its reserves and four government ministries - the economy, agriculture, construction and regional development and environment, which are also guarantors of exposure, and the main departmental exhibitors. Slovakia is the first time in a separate exposure events such as European Union member state.

Source: MOE

Dia de Eslovaquia EN LA EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008

El Presidente Slovak Parliament Pavol Paška and Economy Minister Lubomir Jahnatek were responsible for opening the Slovakia National Day at Expo Zaragoza 2008. The national day has been organized with the National Agency of Tourism (SACR). The exhibition presents Slovakia Slovakia as a symbolic "source of Europe." " Our intention in this exhibition is to show the world that we are not only a strong country economically and politically but also a responsible country in the field of environment, a country proud of its natural wealth " he said in his speech the president of the Assembly Slovak National, Mr. Pavol Paška.

Slovak exposure is very successful in this festival of water in Zaragoza, Spain. Forecasts that the total visitors to the Slovak flag will be over 45,000 have already been surpassed. More than 70,000 visitors have already visited our pavilion. According to the Minister of Economy, our exposure is much visited, there are queues to enter and considered very good that Slovakia is represented in this important event. In an event dedicated to water and its use is a very attractive for Slovakia since we are a country with a strong potential in water. " Slovakia has much to say on the subject of industry water and here we are looking for new ideas and take advantage of sophisticated and reasonable manner the potential we have, "said Minister Jahnatek .

The visitors to our pavilion learn the basics of Slovakia, on its spas, the water industry, tourism and Slovak waters can taste different from a typical jar with the logo of our country.

To bring our country to tourists have been various artists that were taking turns in a different cultural program: Devils Gypsies, Fragile, Atas, Xplosion , vocal and instrumental groups in high level.

The budget exposure is 1.65 million Slovak euros (49.7 billion SKK). The money was provided by the Slovak Government Reservation and participated 4 ministries: Economy, Agriculture, Environment and Regional Development. It is the first time that Slovakia is participating in such significant event as a member of the European Union.
Source: MH SR (Ministry of Economy)