Friday, December 19, 2008

Who Do I Complain To About Bank Of America

BULLYING: Andai Mussel?

The Chilean educational system, there is a range of 35 to 55 percent of conduct that constitutes bullying, school bullying and school violence. These start at 6 or 7 years, coming to pick between 10 and 13, ie in the middle stage of formation of values \u200b\u200bof children. Our duty as parents and authorities, is to create awareness, along with mechanisms and solutions that ensure the physical and psychological integrity of our children and young people and, thus, try halt the rise of violence, which is only a poor reflection of our society that solves its disputes through beatings.

The first national survey of school violence conducted by the University Alberto Hurtado (2006), showed that 86.5 percent of students perceived to have been some type of aggression in their schools, while 38.3 percent , reported being assaulted and 36.8 percent confessed to assaulting a colleague.

This phenomenon of school violence through social and economic barriers, which is corroborated by a study by Madriaza and Garcia (2005), which concluded that 83.4 percent of schoolchildren has suffered any violence, 48.4 percent of students were victims of verbal abuse and 16.6 percent, was physically assaulted. In addition, it was found that the prevalence of physical violence in schools increases greater socioeconomic and psychological violence decreases at higher stratum.

is true that the country has some regulations such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which follows that is the State that must take concrete steps to prevent situations that harm the physical and psychological integrity, or for example Policy Coexistence MINEDUC School to address bullying, which has provided manuals to educational institutions including school mediation and peaceful resolution of conflicts, but unfortunately, this does not translate into concrete sanctions were unaware of the existence of mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the objectives of this policy provided by public schools, subsidized or individuals. In particular, we do not know if they really do talks or not and whether aid is actually delivered to minors.

not justify the creation of a special act of bullying, although there is no sanction in the existing system and the lack of a specific and clear direction for judges, which in addition to reasons of speed with which they must attack the subject, led me Aron to strengthen the agencies created in the General Law of Education, with signs that express their right to study in a tolerant and mutual respect, in addition to overseeing the process led by the schools and the MOE itself.

Violence in schools is only the absence of our job as parents to not be present and not giving values \u200b\u200bto teach our children tolerance and respect.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Before Waxing Moisturize

PSU: GIVING Andai JUICE! Quemaditos

income students from local schools to colleges that demand high scores on the PSU, to have fallen to 10%. Of the 270 000 students who took the test, 117 000, from municipal establishments.

Some say this decline is due to the explosive growth of students in public high schools, which render the PSU through government grants. Others believe that the cause of this fall, has its origin in the same PSU, then by measuring the content, the sharpen the differences between those institutions that do manage to spend most of their contents, and those that are less effective. But young people are the same. But, some with more economic resources, nutritional, social or cultural others.

The PSU is a lousy tool for selecting students, because the weights are inappropriate and petty and secondly, because in the world contemporary, traditional and saturated many races, it's almost a scam to students and their parents, that luck is thrown into a test that does not guarantee professional success and family. A formula to improve the mechanisms for entry to universities, would give greater prominence to the grades for Media Education. We can not underestimate the years of sacrifice and merits of youth, increasing inequalities. Today was just a matter of points obtained in this test, which will decide if finally, I can enter higher education.

which is essential to implement specific tests for specific careers. O evidence effectively achieved, measuring skills, or measure how we solve the common problems we encounter in life and even measure our artistic or athletic skills. It is good to know a little of everything, but not a sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge with an inch deep.

These days, the vocation requires, knowledge, expertise, skills and training. The most important: Albert Einstein. She could learn by his dyslexia, to interact with people and very introverted, but had other skills and abilities such as mathematics. Rising to become one of the greatest scientists in history. The

scholarships should be focused on academic merit, as required just 475 points in the PSU is insufficient. Would be appropriate to create a standardization of grants, according to academic results, otherwise, there are higher rates of college without ending, which ultimately does not answer the important thing, that the students actually completed and the holder of the career of their choice and subsequently , to find work in what they studied and what they like. Today the parents

apply all their hopes on the outcome you can get your child's test, but there are other alternatives, such as technical careers that are making great job satisfaction and life lessons. Meanwhile, many young people continue to give juice to deal with the PSU and parents with them.