Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tech Deck Birthday Theme

Do you forget some stuff? MAKE MEMORY

Something is clear: The last public accounts of the President, Michelle Bachelet, was charged with emotion, but for her.

remember: In 2006, he promised the extension of the Regional Hospital and plans "complementary" to transport services tendered in Antofagasta.

In 2007, it was announced the bidding for a double track between Calama and Antofagasta. A by-pass to Antofagasta and the tender of a two-way Antofagasta and Mejillones. In addition, Calama-improving path Tocopilla. Roads located in Taltal productive and Antofagasta coastal connectivity (the trailing 10 years). Also promised a new hospital for Antofagasta. That opened the "no beds."

In 2008, the president announced to speed up hospital projects Antofagasta, Calama and Tocopilla. Works were announced to build the new stadium for Antofagasta. Also said that in Calama, integrated urban projects were developed. What?

In this last message the President said that with the control of floods and mudslides, have changed the landscape of Antofagasta. The barrage was 1991 and alluvial works, opened in 2005 and the remaining 2006. But lately, they have re-opened again, that's another thing.

President again promised a new stadium to Antofagasta, but for the second stage and Tocopilla, announced the construction works of the new Hospital Macua Marcos, "because if it were not for the earthquake, had never been given begin construction of a new one.

It missed its progress and actions to promote the regionalization and decentralization, no measures were announced in public security and fighting crime or drug trafficking, as well, not to eliminate the payment of 7 percent health for older adults. Not a word to generate more and better jobs and better conditions for public employees or teachers, firefighters, police, gendarmerie and the Research and overcrowding in prisons. Not a sign to give more resources to the municipalities and so much more.

Something is clear: There are still broken promises to our region. Which holds the national economy and delivering pay to Chile. We have heard for four ConcertaciĆ³n governments, thousands of ads, but year after year, this does not materialize in the manner required to achieve a homogeneous growth of the country, an aspect negative has been recognized by the head.

Unfortunately, speeches and ads are still running on it and let alone the middle class benefits. Simply do not exist.

Friday, May 8, 2009

How Long A Person Can Live With Hodgkin's


The Coalition for Change is a pluralistic and inclusive project to break with the political and ideological trenches that are already obsolete in today's world. A conglomerate of independent people, people coming from their own coalition, people who were in the Allende government, forming a new force that seeks to build a future project that is more inclusive, pluralist values \u200b\u200bdiversity with respect and open spaces community, leaving behind the artificial divisions and antagonisms.

With Fernando Flores, converged on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a change in Chile proposes to break this alignment has been maintained for so many years of left-right, the 'Yes', the 'No', ie finish with all the divisions that led to odium in the past, future building, which has other features, managing a real government, setting priorities, we do not want more economic growth to benefit only ten families in Chile.

So far, there has been mediocrity, mismanagement, irregularities, corruption and sin default, nor are there two dollars or four dollars there, as one person a few days ago (the same you are looking for the pitcher). There are millions of dollars lost there and millions of lost dollars in the pockets of political operatives there.

All those who have had the privilege of owning the majority and have four governments, now feel angry, upset, worried and nervous. Critics insulting with virulent and venomous language, are the same as they talk about democracy, respect for human rights and tolerance. They prefer to stay in power to enjoy the national treasury or the spoils of war, surround the bush, to all those who have bad memory.

political parties, working with music and rhythm that put Santiago, but now comes a new movement, Norte Grande, which runs to the beat of our music nortino. People who think politically different, but it builds progress and development to the north. It is twinned people who feel united, working together in providing each having more competition.

There is a new generation of people, raised and spoiled in the region, who want to take leading roles, to recover that spirit of nortino we had in the '60s and '70s. Which promotes, is a citizen's movement committed to the development of the north. So, do mijito memory!