often reflect, with what happens in every movement or stoppage of workers in the public or municipal administration. Demanding and require stability, security, design and quality of life for themselves and their families. Is it too much to ask? Nothing away from reality and what a human being can and will suck! All those who fill their mouths demanding the same for private enterprise, not made within the same state administration and with the same employees.
I think the public authority whatever it is, a lot of damage when he invents artificial controversy as we have seen, the result of repeated abuse and attitudes that are covered by the same government officials, from the President, his ministers and heads of services, do not recognize the serious errors and labor abuses in the civil service.
80 000 people are hired which depend on the renewal of his contract year after year, good humor or grace fall onto the farm pattern, which is there for political cuoteo and over 35 thousand fees , with no holidays, health, welfare, and nursery right to overtime. What do you seek?: The a contract, go to ground and fees, go to contract. This employment discrimination fairly, the irrational distribution of income in Chile. And in our region, I must add the continuity of the special allocation of end zone.
By law, the parallel plan can not exceed 20 percent and it exceeds 50 percent, or the State itself, through the Government does not respect the law and the worst. Michelle Bachelet as a candidate in 2006, promised the same, that employees Prosecutors now claim him.
and looking for teachers: What they pay a debt incurred in the military government and the governments of the meeting, now unknown, the deny and even assert that there is not even an ethical or moral debt ! Every teacher owes more than 80 million pesos and they demand only 10% of it. The government says teachers have been increased significantly their earnings: A local teacher with 44 hours, receive 450 thousand pesos and a retired teacher with 30 years, receives only 61 thousand.
These are issues that we can not escape, nor to continue delaying. The public sector pay and teachers are well below market wages and also faced with another unfair reality of people living in other regions of the country, where his salary if he has to live, at least with some dignity.