Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Diareah After Eating Burger King

Meeting of Ambassador J. Damage to high school with Slovak

Veľvyslanec 16.12.2009 v SR Ján Škoda Španielsku navštívil 14. Hlavní mesto Aragónskej decembra 2009 autonómnej Zaragozu oblasti, kde sa stretol so štyrmi slovenskými stredoškoláčkami, ktoré využili vládne Stipendium na na ročný študijný pobyt miestnej strednej škola ITACA. Together in this school year studying at secondary schools in Cuenca and Zaragoza 12 stredoškoláčok. In the interview, and appreciated the personal friendship of teaching staff both in school and at college. Like recently in Cuenca and students in Zaragoza, J. Damage himself on the all-round assistance to the embassy, \u200b\u200boffering them the possibility of transport to the airport when they fly home for Christmas and New Year holidays, the girls gratefully accepted. On this occasion, the Ambassador also met with representatives of the Autonomous Government of Aragon, who are responsible for education and international relations. Head of department resources and support for education of the Autonomous Government of Aragon Ignacio Herreros Cebollada confirmed that Zaragoza is ready well in school year 2010/2011, take at least four Slovak high school students. At these meetings, accompanied by the Ambassador Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Zaragoza Jean-Paul Bastiaans Belot.

Encuentro del Embajador J. Skoda con las estudiantes eslovacas.

Embajador de España en Eslovaquia John Ford visita el dia 14 de diciembre de 2009 la capital de Aragón, Zaragoza, donde conoció and cuatro estudiantes de eslovacas ESO that are using the grant from the government of our country and are enrolled in a school year in the local high school Ithaca. In total there are 12 students following their studies in Cuenca and Zaragoza. The girls are happy in school and in the residence. Ambassador offered help and support from the Embassy in everything they need. We discussed the possibility of transfer to the airport for their travel home for Christmas so the girls agreed appreciated. Ambassador met with regional government representatives in the field of education and international relations. The Head of department of resources and educational, Herreros Ignacio Zaragoza confirmed Onion is prepared to accept Nuevos estudiantes eslovacos también en curso escolar 2010/2011. Jean Paul Bastiaans Belot, honorario el consul de Eslovaquia en Zaragoza, le acompaňó al Embajador en las reuniones.


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