Monday, June 28, 2010

What Is The Price Of New Plates In Ohio

Flochuz !!!!!!!!!!! For Summer 2010

well, you have days that I go the summer, but as soon as I was inside, and remembering that I like. I could not let the opportunity to make a musical selection

(the first I do) I sprained my idleness came to this ...

hope you like:

the Mixtape is in some songs that have come out this year, they can not stop listening to and ones that inspire me to be at the party, others are recommendations, and others simply have something that make sense are in this selection.

enjoy:)! Stylo-

Gorillaz Get Connected - Midnight Juggernauts
Say What Did My Lover - Wolf Parade Danzink
Bit - Carousel
This Orient - Foals
want to be a color-Furland
Lets Go Surfing - The Drums
Summer - Magic Kids
Good Malice - Carla Morrison
Paris (Aeroplane Remix) - Friendly Fires - Au Revoir Simone
Tiruña Dan Diri - Jessy Bulbo
Musica - Quiero Club
Shame On Me (Yuksek Remix) - Amanda Blank
Stayclose - Delorean
Swoon - Chemical Brothers
Modernway - Kaiser Chiefs
Fiesta de Locos - Calle 13
Party With Children - Ratatat
Your hands together - The new pornographers
Goddess On the Prairie - HHH
Forget me not - Thieves Like us


Friday, June 18, 2010

Phantom Colored Labradors

Options 2010th

Options 2010th

Saturday, 12 June, elections were held in the National Council, the winner has become a party SMER-SD profitably 34.79 percent of the vote, followed by SDKÚ to obtain the votes of 14.42 percent and SaS, supported by 12.14 percent of voters.
The parliamentary benches also sit representatives of KDH (8.52 percent), Most-Hid (8.12 percent) and CIS (5.07 percent). Before the gates of the legislature remain current parliamentary parties HZDS (4.32 percent) and SMK (4.33 percent). Voter turnout was 58.83 percent.
Slovak National Party in Parliament remained very close, fared even worse choice for CSL, which had not obtained the required 5 percent. The same fate befell the SMK Hungarian Coalition. Elections gave a clear answer to nationalist parties in the form of minimum support their radical policies.
These days, the results of the elections, Smer party is responsible for compiling the government, although probably not obtain the necessary podporu ostatných od strana (SNS okrem mandátmi s 9). Nasvedčuje Všetko Tomu, že Slovensko bude mat najbližšie Styria roky stredopravú vládu tvorenú SDKU-DS, SaS, KDH to Most-Híd.

Election 2010.
On Saturday, June 12, 2010, parliamentary elections in Slovakia were confirmed as winner of the Social Democratic party (SMER) with 34.79%. The second training was the most voted Conservative SDKU-DS with 15.42%, followed by the liberal Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) obtained 12.14%.
form part of the Slovak parliament also the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) with 8.52%, and Training Most-Híd Magyar, with 8.12%. Will also be the Slovak National Party (SNS), but with only 5.07% was about to follow in the footsteps of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) with his populist leader Vladimir Meciar, who has fallen below the threshold
5% and can not access the allocation of seats. The results of this game with those of the nationalist Colaicción Magyar (SMK) got only 4.33% have certified the disgrace of radical nationalism.
Total 58.83% of Slovaks came to vote for their representatives.
These days, the party won the elections SMER is responsible for forming the government, aunque sin la posibilidad de conseguir el apoyo necesario (SNS solo con sus 9 escaňos le apoyan). Probablemente, el país va por Asher gobernado centroderecha formada por SDKÚ, SaS, KDH s Most-HID.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reversing A Jack Plate

MUST LISTEN to "Ball Park Music"


dusting it was time to blog, and again put something here ...

and better with these Australians who have Alternative pop, you can not stop listening .. 100% seriously recommended if you're a fan of Los Campesinos , you'll love his music automáticamente.

ellos en su Myspace se describen como: seis personas que se pusieron de acuerdo para hacer música, que en mi parecer se juntaron nada mas jugar sin intención alguna, siento que transmiten mucha alegría al estar naturalmente haciendo de las suyas.

pasen a escucharlos a su myspace:
ellos son :

Sam Cromack , Jennifer Boyce, Daniel hanson y su hermano Dean, Paul Furness, Brock Smith

y al parecer en las fotos y vídeos se look soooo young .. that makes it have high expectations and eyes firmly on them ....

and here's the song that caught my attention:

Outdoor Ice In Durham Ontario

World Cup 2010th

World Cup 2010th

World Cup 2010 will take place from 11 June to 11 July in South Africa at 10 stadiums in nine cities. Qualifiers attended 204 of 208 members of FIFA, which sprang from the 32 participants in the final tournament, which include Slovakia, the first time ever in the history of independence. These are the first World Cup on the African continent. The draw decided that Slovakia is in Group F along with New Zealand, Paraguay and Italy.
15th June 2010 took place on our national team its first match against New Zealand, resulting in a draw 1:1. In our group this month pending further 2 matches, against Paraguay and Italy.

15 June New Zealand 1:1 Slovakia

20th Slovakia June 13:39 Paraguay
24th Slovakia June 16:00 Italy

Spain is a clear favorite group H, is present today in the championship zápasom prvým Švajčiarsku proti. Ďalšími Jeho súpermi voodoo Honduras (21.06.) To Cile (25.06.)

World Cup 2010.

The FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 is being held from June 11 and end on July 11, the first time this tournament is held in Africa in 10 stadiums in nine cities. 204 of the 208 national adhering to FIFA registered to participate in the classification process to determine the 32 teams in the final tournament. Slovakia will be represented by his team for the first time in the history of this young democracy. With New Zealand Paraguay and Italy is in Group F.

On June 15 our country faced N. Zealand in their opening match in the championship and got a draw 1:1. In this month still 2 games ahead of the group.

New Zealand June 15

1:1 Slovakia Slovakia June 20 13:30 Paraguay
June 24 16:00 Slovakia

Italy Spain is the favorite team of group I, today enters the tournament with a match against Switzerland. Their next opponents will be Honduras (21.06) and Chile (25.06.)