Options 2010th Options 2010th Saturday, 12 June, elections were held in the National Council, the winner has become a party SMER-SD profitably 34.79 percent of the vote, followed by SDKÚ to obtain the votes of 14.42 percent and SaS, supported by 12.14 percent of voters.
The parliamentary benches also sit representatives of KDH (8.52 percent), Most-Hid (8.12 percent) and CIS (5.07 percent). Before the gates of the legislature remain current parliamentary parties HZDS (4.32 percent) and SMK (4.33 percent). Voter turnout was 58.83 percent.
Slovak National Party in Parliament remained very close, fared even worse choice for CSL, which had not obtained the required 5 percent. The same fate befell the SMK Hungarian Coalition. Elections gave a clear answer to nationalist parties in the form of minimum support their radical policies.
These days, the results of the elections, Smer party is responsible for compiling the government, although probably not obtain the necessary podporu ostatných od strana (SNS okrem mandátmi s 9). Nasvedčuje Všetko Tomu, že Slovensko bude mat najbližšie Styria roky stredopravú vládu tvorenú SDKU-DS, SaS, KDH to Most-Híd.
Election 2010. On Saturday, June 12, 2010, parliamentary elections in Slovakia were confirmed as winner of the Social Democratic party (SMER) with 34.79%. The second training was the most voted Conservative SDKU-DS with 15.42%, followed by the liberal Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) obtained 12.14%.
form part of the Slovak parliament also the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) with 8.52%, and Training Most-Híd Magyar, with 8.12%. Will also be the Slovak National Party (SNS), but with only 5.07% was about to follow in the footsteps of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) with his populist leader Vladimir Meciar, who has fallen below the threshold
5% and can not access the allocation of seats. The results of this game with those of the nationalist Colaicción Magyar (SMK) got only 4.33% have certified the disgrace of radical nationalism.
Total 58.83% of Slovaks came to vote for their representatives.
These days, the party won the elections SMER is responsible for forming the government, aunque sin la posibilidad de conseguir el apoyo necesario (SNS solo con sus 9 escaňos le apoyan). Probablemente, el país va por Asher gobernado centroderecha formada por SDKÚ, SaS, KDH s Most-HID.