Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reversing A Jack Plate

MUST LISTEN to "Ball Park Music"


dusting it was time to blog, and again put something here ...

and better with these Australians who have Alternative pop, you can not stop listening .. 100% seriously recommended if you're a fan of Los Campesinos , you'll love his music automáticamente.

ellos en su Myspace se describen como: seis personas que se pusieron de acuerdo para hacer música, que en mi parecer se juntaron nada mas jugar sin intención alguna, siento que transmiten mucha alegría al estar naturalmente haciendo de las suyas.

pasen a escucharlos a su myspace:
ellos son :

Sam Cromack , Jennifer Boyce, Daniel hanson y su hermano Dean, Paul Furness, Brock Smith

y al parecer en las fotos y vídeos se look soooo young .. that makes it have high expectations and eyes firmly on them ....

and here's the song that caught my attention:


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