Monday, November 8, 2010

Stop Dog From Destroying Dog Bed

the 2011th EU rules for foreigners to stay logged in Spain.

Cudzinci krajina EU z, v Španielsku prihlásení pobytu k, v volito záujem maju ktorí komunálnych voľbách dňa 22. mája 2011, prihlásiť sa Musia do evidencing v príslušnom volebnom obvode.

Currently there are 2 options of registration, which will shortly add the third-telematics.

first Foreigners from EU member countries, to stay logged in Spain, will be from 15 September received a letter from the Election Office (OCE) filled with data entered for a stay. In the case of interest in active participation in municipal elections, the constituency must be completed, date, sign and send letter by post (with no indication as postage is paid in advance).

second In the absence of receipt of the letter, it is possible the Municipal Office of the constituency, department statistics show the IP, respectively. NO and personally fill out an application (form CERE-DFA.1).

Both mentioned the possibility of entry into the constituency is to be implemented by 15 January 2011.
Registration is constant during the action / alien's stay in Spain.
Otherwise, it must formally request removal from the register.
(It is therefore necessary to always log in each polling period.) ----------------------------------------------

Local Elections 2011. ELECTORAL for foreigners living in Spain.

order to vote in municipal elections of May 22, 2011, European citizens in Spain have registered to register on the electoral roll.

There are 2 kinds of registration, which will be added soon the third, telematics, which are not yet implemented.

1. EU citizens resident in Spain will be at home, from September 15, a communication from the Electoral Census Office (OCE) with pre-printed registration data. If you want to vote in municipal elections, you must fill the spaces with city and date, sign and send the letter by mail, at no cost, because it is prepaid.

2. If there is no communication of ECO, you may be in the Hall of the municipality of residence, the Dept. of Statistics, with the ID card and fill out an application (CERE-DFA.1)

For both modalities, Deadline for voter registration in the January 15, 2011.
The electoral census registration is permanent while the citizen Residia en España, salvo formal Solicitud en Sentido contrario. (No se que tiene para cada convocatoria censar electoral).


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