Friday, August 28, 2009

How To Put A Movie From Waxin Movie Maker


Despite the positive things that can be progress in creation of a Ministry of Environment, there are many issues that the government still has not bothered. A case in point is what we have now with CONAMA and COREMA, with very negative results.

There are many cases where the institutional environment has deteriorated, and about the decisions and steps, it smells of corruption of public officials and appointed, moving politicized and motivated under pressure from outside environmental preservations.

All were affected by arsenic from water and air, as seen in Tocopilla with petcoke or coal dust, emissions sulfur dioxide content of many mining companies, Chuquicamata (state enterprise) with a huge line contaminant that goes far beyond our borders. And we went to the Dam Sloman, with fuel tanks, lead from the port and rail, ship Eider spill and twice in Caleta Coloso leaking copper concentrate. In all these cases, the institutional environment should be ashamed. There are many examples, which violates the dignity of human beings, flora and fauna, while the neighbors, the institutions are not acting with efficiency, effectiveness and timeliness.

We have seen excesses and abuses, where development vision has always been economistic, reductionist and myopic, giving primacy to profit and profitability, with a look of work, without achieving a balance with environmental considerations. It emphasizes the exploitation of natural resources, without adequate analysis or views in the medium and long term, sustainable value added to that action.

is not reasonable that s ea the company, to recruit " experts" who then disappear when they charge, by submitting an environmental impact study. The authority of knees: No have the resources or staff, or technical expertise in every area, not even our own laboratories to analysis, audits are notified in advance and the tours are guided by the same ones who have to supervise them and More seriously, we have no previous studies of the territorial areas to be audited by the enterprise as , and then analyze the damage and what will be sanctions and actions being taken to try to repair something, I never be the same again.

miss that in the current proposal for creation of the Ministry of Environment, proposals are not of "Captain Planet", who travels the world as Professor Rosa, announcing PRO measures, while in Chile we are still living under a trail of contamination.


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