Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sunburst Orange Pearl Paint

Flochu'z awards: the best albums of 10. Mixtape

well, it was difficult to make this selection, but after thinking reaches this order:

No. 10



Contains: 11 emotional songs.

Release date: May 10, 2010.

A The album has, to my taste. Which reflects the group's work and his experiences in his songs. And definitely as a woman I caught the sensuality that has the voice of Matt Berninger.

Favourite songs: Terrible love, Bloodbuzz Ohio, Runaway

No. 9



Released: May 11, 2010


I think the sisters Casady, made this album tribute to centuries past and is reflected in its image and the curious pianos around the disc. I find it a good experimental work, he deserved to be in this top. (Again, this is my opinion, and I've noticed that is not pleasing to all ears) jojo.

Favorite Songs: Lemonade, The moon Asked the crow, Gallows




Release Date: June 8, 2010

Contains: 11 songs done in Australia.

For other Australians to take the box of treasures. This disc is well complemented between what is said to be psychedelic rock. "Great recommendation." So easy for this brief comment.

Favourite songs: Alter ego, solitude is biss, why will not you make up your mind?




Songs: 16 songs from a good garage rock.

This record sixth studio album from these guys from San Francisco, California. Satiate my mood perfectly blends punk rock, garage.

Favorite Songs: The Toll, Conscience Killer Beat the devil's tattoo




Release date: May 10, 2010

Songs: 10 songs for your bipolar disorder.

As says the title song from their second album. It is true a face you can display more than a simple gesture. And it happened to me that the songs could spread to my other humor. I loved it!

Favourite songs: Total life forever, This orient, After glow

NO. 5



Release Date: March 8, 2010

Songs: contains 16 songs, which have a delicious electro-pop.

I think this album was very controversial, because just as welcome to many, others were disappointed, personally, I think it is easy to digest for the length is (83 minutes), but in my case, I happened to have time to listen carefully and enjoyed it very much. A plus others is the visual quality of this animated band always noted in his videos, and singles from this album is not lacking.

Favorite Songs: S TYLO, Broken, melancholy hill On

No. 4



Release Date: January 11, 2010

These kids pretty sappy, emotion made the release of this album since 2009, but until this year, they could launch. And the truth that I am very well, not left to mix African sounds that gives them their trademark. And if it is an album that you can draw a smile, for the fun of it. And as data, say the cover girl is a girl who came to love eighties all members to only see it in that photo (taken with a polaroid)

Favorite Songs : Horchata, Giving up the gun, California Inglés

No. 3



Release Date: June 8, 2010

Song Collection contains 12 of which you they discover una relación de electrónica experimental que te llevan a disfrutar en cualquier momento.

Los muchachos Mike Stroud y Evan Mast, originarios de NY, hicieron completito su más reciente material musical en su tierra. Y tengo que hacer una mención honorifica a las elegantes guitarras en las canciones de este disco, que sin duda me llevan a poner de buenas. (muero por verlos en vivo) jojojo.

Favoritas: Party with children, Mandy, Drugs.

No. 2



Release Date: 8 February 2010

Songs: 10, and the deluxe edition contains 16.

Since 2009, Massive Attack had been giving us proven, as the EP "Splitting the atom," which for me a girl of song, which was compiled into the "Heligoland" Massive formal fifth album, which highlights the vocal stakes Martina Topley Bird and Horace Andy. It is suitable for road travel for your time I guarantee you will enjoy it, simply because if, and because this band is one that just hearing his name, makes the distinction musical quality.

Favorites: Splitting the atom, Psyche, Girl i love you, Pray for rain.

No. 1


"The Suburbs"

Released: August 2, 2010

Songs: It contains 16 songs, which have a rich emotional relationship.

The earlier date was planned, but happened that days before he slipped the net, and a broken telephone criticisms were felt good, and that in my opinion was with the 3rd album of this band Canadian made to devote one of the best of the time. This was one reason more weight put me here. And if you're thinking about buying a disc, or given to anyone, believe me you will not disappoint.

Favorite Songs: Ready to start, Rococo, Empty room

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stop Dog From Destroying Dog Bed

the 2011th EU rules for foreigners to stay logged in Spain.

Cudzinci krajina EU z, v Španielsku prihlásení pobytu k, v volito záujem maju ktorí komunálnych voľbách dňa 22. mája 2011, prihlásiť sa Musia do evidencing v príslušnom volebnom obvode.

Currently there are 2 options of registration, which will shortly add the third-telematics.

first Foreigners from EU member countries, to stay logged in Spain, will be from 15 September received a letter from the Election Office (OCE) filled with data entered for a stay. In the case of interest in active participation in municipal elections, the constituency must be completed, date, sign and send letter by post (with no indication as postage is paid in advance).

second In the absence of receipt of the letter, it is possible the Municipal Office of the constituency, department statistics show the IP, respectively. NO and personally fill out an application (form CERE-DFA.1).

Both mentioned the possibility of entry into the constituency is to be implemented by 15 January 2011.
Registration is constant during the action / alien's stay in Spain.
Otherwise, it must formally request removal from the register.
(It is therefore necessary to always log in each polling period.) ----------------------------------------------

Local Elections 2011. ELECTORAL for foreigners living in Spain.

order to vote in municipal elections of May 22, 2011, European citizens in Spain have registered to register on the electoral roll.

There are 2 kinds of registration, which will be added soon the third, telematics, which are not yet implemented.

1. EU citizens resident in Spain will be at home, from September 15, a communication from the Electoral Census Office (OCE) with pre-printed registration data. If you want to vote in municipal elections, you must fill the spaces with city and date, sign and send the letter by mail, at no cost, because it is prepaid.

2. If there is no communication of ECO, you may be in the Hall of the municipality of residence, the Dept. of Statistics, with the ID card and fill out an application (CERE-DFA.1)

For both modalities, Deadline for voter registration in the January 15, 2011.
The electoral census registration is permanent while the citizen Residia en España, salvo formal Solicitud en Sentido contrario. (No se que tiene para cada convocatoria censar electoral).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Happens When A Fibroid Tumor Calcifies

Ambassador to Slovakia, Spain, p. John Ford, visited Zaragoza.

Ambassador to Slovakia, Spain, p. John Ford, Hon. Consul for SR Aragón and La Rioja, p. Jean Paul Bastiaans and students before the blackboard in front of the Hon. Consulate in Zaragoza.

On 2 We któbra 2010 Hon. Consulate in Zaragoza welcomed Ambassador John SR Skoda, which is also interested in a personal meeting with Slovak by students who are behind the first weeks to study English in high school Itaca Zaragoza. In a friendly and open atmosphere of the room Ambassador hear first impressions and comments from girls about their stay. He was interested in teething problems and is personally involved in their removal.
Under the auspices of the hunt. Consul Mr. Jean Paul Bastiaans and coordinator Erika Rechtorikova, together with študetkami we spent a pleasant morning, which resulted in a joint lunch.
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, D. Ján Škoda visit to Zaragoza.
the 2nd of October we received at the Consulate Honorary Ambassador D. Zaragoza Ján Škoda who expressed interest in holding a meeting also with the Slovak students, fellows at the Institute Ithaca Zaragoza. In a very open and friendly, the Ambassador asked po first impressions and experiences of girls stay in Zaragoza. Was personally involved in matters still to be solved, as the honorary consul D. Jean Paul Bastiaans and Erika Rechtoríková coordinator.
The very pleasant morning led común en una comida.

Monday, September 13, 2010

How Much Does A Mandap Cost

Slovak students in Zaragoza.

Based on the excellent experience with Slovak students in Zaragoza, and this, in order for the third year, we at the beginning of September was welcomed by students from Bratislava, Kosice, Liptovsky. Nicholas Topoľčany and Namestovo.
girls, students of bilingual secondary grammar schools, will be thanks to the SR Government scholarship to study one school year in high school ITACA in Zaragoza.
addition to improvements in the English language and the acquisition of knowledge of the academic year, will also have a unique opportunity to experience one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Spain and get into the English lifestyle.
Ministries of Education of both countries in cooperation with the Embassy of Slovakia in Madrid and our consulate in Zaragoza will be a point of reference for students in order to get out of your stay in Zaragoza took away the most enjoyable experiences.
On 10 September 2010 adopted the Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Zaragoza, p. Jean Paul Bastiaans and coordinator of the consulate, Mr Erika Rechtorikova Slovak študentky, ktoré dňa 13. začínajú septembra svoj doteraz určite najzaujímavejší Skolsky rok.

Slovak Students in Zaragoza.

Given the very good experience with the scholarship program for high school students Slovaks, this year - the third consecutive year - five other students from Bratislava, Kosice, Lipt. Mikulas, Namestovo Topolcany and have come to Zaragoza.
girls school studying for a year at the Institute ITACA and have the unique opportunity to perfect Castilian, acquire knowledge in an important country in the EU framework, known one of the largest and most spectacular cities in Spain and also penetrate into the lifestyle of the English.
The Education Ministries of the two countries in cooperation with the Slovak Embassy in Madrid and our Consulate in Zaragoza will serve as the fulcrum for students to take the best possible experience for your stay in Zaragoza.
On September 10, 2010 the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Rep. D. Jean Paul Bastiaans and coordinator Ms consulate. Erika Rechtorikova received five students before they begin on Monday 13 school year very special.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Are The Best Tasting Mre To Eat

Government from 9.7.2010

The following is the composition of the new Prime Minister from 9 July 2010:

Iveta Radičová , President of the Government Office of the Government

Jan Figel, 1 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications
Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications.

Rudolf Chmel , Deputy Prime Minister for Human Rights and Minorities
Government Office

Ivan Miklos, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
Ministry of Finance

Joseph Mihály, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family

Mikulas Dzurinda, Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lubomir Galko , Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence

Daniel Lipšic , Minister of Interior, Ministry of Interior

Lucia Žitňanská , Minister of Justice Ministry of Justice

George Miškov , Minister of Economy and Ministry of Economy
construction and construction SR

Eugen Jurzyca, Ministers of Education, Science, Research and Sport
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport SR

Ivan Uhliarik , Minister of Health Ministry

Krajcer Daniel, Minister of Culture and Tourism
Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Zsolt Simon, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Regional Development
Ministry of Agriculture, prostředí a rozvoja regionálneho životného SR

Pre VIAC informácií:

Government of the Slovak Republic from July 9, 2010:

The following are members of the new government of the Slovak Republic, from July 9, 2010: Iveta

Radicova , president of the government of the Slovak Republic
Government of the Slovak Republic Ján Figel

, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications

Rodulfo Chmel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Human and Minority Rights

Ivan Mikloš , gobieno vice president of the Slovak Republic and Minister of Finance

Jozef Mihal, vice president of government of the Slovak Republic and Minister of Labour, Social and Family

Mikuláš Dzurinda, Foreign Minister

Ľubomír Galko , Defense Minister Daniel Lipsic

Interior Minister Lucia Žitňanská

, Justice Minister Juraj Miškov

Minister of Economy and Construction Eugen

Jurzyca, Minister of Education, Science and Sports Ivan Uhliarik

Health Minister Daniel Krajcer

, Minister of Culture and Tourism

Zsolt Simon, Minister of Environment and Regional Development

For more information:

Friday, July 2, 2010

What Does You Have Zulu Mean

Slovakia parted with Africa in the fourth round.

Slovenski futbaloví reprezentanti ukončili put na svoju majstrovstvách republike v sveta v Juhoafrickej osemfinále. Po
prehratom Paraguajom zápase s (0:2) to po nad skvelom víťazstve Talianskom (3:2) v F sa skupine Slováci stretli s vynikajúcimi Holanďanmi, na ktorých futbalovo nestačili (1:2). Zo
šampionátu však odchádzajú spokojnie. Tim if zaslúži uznanie nás a za poďakovanie výbornú reprezentáciu našej krajiny dôležitom športovom podujatí tak na. Slovakia

goodbye to Africa in the second round.

Young Slovak representatives ended their journey in the World Cup in Africa in the second round.
After a loss to Paraguay (0:2) and a splendid victory over Italy (3:2) in Group F, the Slovaks were faced and Holanda cuyo juego y FUE superior acabaron ganando a nuestro Equipo (2:1).
Sin embargo, los jugadores eslovacos volvieron contentos a casa y su actuación en un evento deportivo de tanta Importance Meretz Reconocimiento.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What Is The Price Of New Plates In Ohio

Flochuz !!!!!!!!!!! For Summer 2010

well, you have days that I go the summer, but as soon as I was inside, and remembering that I like. I could not let the opportunity to make a musical selection

(the first I do) I sprained my idleness came to this ...

hope you like:

the Mixtape is in some songs that have come out this year, they can not stop listening to and ones that inspire me to be at the party, others are recommendations, and others simply have something that make sense are in this selection.

enjoy:)! Stylo-

Gorillaz Get Connected - Midnight Juggernauts
Say What Did My Lover - Wolf Parade Danzink
Bit - Carousel
This Orient - Foals
want to be a color-Furland
Lets Go Surfing - The Drums
Summer - Magic Kids
Good Malice - Carla Morrison
Paris (Aeroplane Remix) - Friendly Fires - Au Revoir Simone
Tiruña Dan Diri - Jessy Bulbo
Musica - Quiero Club
Shame On Me (Yuksek Remix) - Amanda Blank
Stayclose - Delorean
Swoon - Chemical Brothers
Modernway - Kaiser Chiefs
Fiesta de Locos - Calle 13
Party With Children - Ratatat
Your hands together - The new pornographers
Goddess On the Prairie - HHH
Forget me not - Thieves Like us


Friday, June 18, 2010

Phantom Colored Labradors

Options 2010th

Options 2010th

Saturday, 12 June, elections were held in the National Council, the winner has become a party SMER-SD profitably 34.79 percent of the vote, followed by SDKÚ to obtain the votes of 14.42 percent and SaS, supported by 12.14 percent of voters.
The parliamentary benches also sit representatives of KDH (8.52 percent), Most-Hid (8.12 percent) and CIS (5.07 percent). Before the gates of the legislature remain current parliamentary parties HZDS (4.32 percent) and SMK (4.33 percent). Voter turnout was 58.83 percent.
Slovak National Party in Parliament remained very close, fared even worse choice for CSL, which had not obtained the required 5 percent. The same fate befell the SMK Hungarian Coalition. Elections gave a clear answer to nationalist parties in the form of minimum support their radical policies.
These days, the results of the elections, Smer party is responsible for compiling the government, although probably not obtain the necessary podporu ostatných od strana (SNS okrem mandátmi s 9). Nasvedčuje Všetko Tomu, že Slovensko bude mat najbližšie Styria roky stredopravú vládu tvorenú SDKU-DS, SaS, KDH to Most-Híd.

Election 2010.
On Saturday, June 12, 2010, parliamentary elections in Slovakia were confirmed as winner of the Social Democratic party (SMER) with 34.79%. The second training was the most voted Conservative SDKU-DS with 15.42%, followed by the liberal Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) obtained 12.14%.
form part of the Slovak parliament also the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) with 8.52%, and Training Most-Híd Magyar, with 8.12%. Will also be the Slovak National Party (SNS), but with only 5.07% was about to follow in the footsteps of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) with his populist leader Vladimir Meciar, who has fallen below the threshold
5% and can not access the allocation of seats. The results of this game with those of the nationalist Colaicción Magyar (SMK) got only 4.33% have certified the disgrace of radical nationalism.
Total 58.83% of Slovaks came to vote for their representatives.
These days, the party won the elections SMER is responsible for forming the government, aunque sin la posibilidad de conseguir el apoyo necesario (SNS solo con sus 9 escaňos le apoyan). Probablemente, el país va por Asher gobernado centroderecha formada por SDKÚ, SaS, KDH s Most-HID.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reversing A Jack Plate

MUST LISTEN to "Ball Park Music"


dusting it was time to blog, and again put something here ...

and better with these Australians who have Alternative pop, you can not stop listening .. 100% seriously recommended if you're a fan of Los Campesinos , you'll love his music automáticamente.

ellos en su Myspace se describen como: seis personas que se pusieron de acuerdo para hacer música, que en mi parecer se juntaron nada mas jugar sin intención alguna, siento que transmiten mucha alegría al estar naturalmente haciendo de las suyas.

pasen a escucharlos a su myspace:
ellos son :

Sam Cromack , Jennifer Boyce, Daniel hanson y su hermano Dean, Paul Furness, Brock Smith

y al parecer en las fotos y vídeos se look soooo young .. that makes it have high expectations and eyes firmly on them ....

and here's the song that caught my attention:

Outdoor Ice In Durham Ontario

World Cup 2010th

World Cup 2010th

World Cup 2010 will take place from 11 June to 11 July in South Africa at 10 stadiums in nine cities. Qualifiers attended 204 of 208 members of FIFA, which sprang from the 32 participants in the final tournament, which include Slovakia, the first time ever in the history of independence. These are the first World Cup on the African continent. The draw decided that Slovakia is in Group F along with New Zealand, Paraguay and Italy.
15th June 2010 took place on our national team its first match against New Zealand, resulting in a draw 1:1. In our group this month pending further 2 matches, against Paraguay and Italy.

15 June New Zealand 1:1 Slovakia

20th Slovakia June 13:39 Paraguay
24th Slovakia June 16:00 Italy

Spain is a clear favorite group H, is present today in the championship zápasom prvým Švajčiarsku proti. Ďalšími Jeho súpermi voodoo Honduras (21.06.) To Cile (25.06.)

World Cup 2010.

The FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 is being held from June 11 and end on July 11, the first time this tournament is held in Africa in 10 stadiums in nine cities. 204 of the 208 national adhering to FIFA registered to participate in the classification process to determine the 32 teams in the final tournament. Slovakia will be represented by his team for the first time in the history of this young democracy. With New Zealand Paraguay and Italy is in Group F.

On June 15 our country faced N. Zealand in their opening match in the championship and got a draw 1:1. In this month still 2 games ahead of the group.

New Zealand June 15

1:1 Slovakia Slovakia June 20 13:30 Paraguay
June 24 16:00 Slovakia

Italy Spain is the favorite team of group I, today enters the tournament with a match against Switzerland. Their next opponents will be Honduras (21.06) and Chile (25.06.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Start Adult Film Company

La Semana de Europa 2010th

Prezident regiónu Aragon, p. Marcelino Iglesias, in the meeting called. Week of Europe, met with representatives of the Association of consuls operating in Zaragoza, with students with scholarships Government of Aragon, with foreign students from Erasmus and students from the Royal Institute of European Studies.
meeting was held to celebrate Europe Day (9 May) and the president in his speech pointed to an important moment, which passes through Europe: "Europe is today more necessary than ever".
P. Jean Paul Bastiaans, Dean of the Association of Honorary Consuls and Honorary Consul of Slovakia, presented European-oriented language and students stressed the importance of education and preparedness, light and still growing competition from vzmáhajúcich the potential such as China, India and others.
Besides Slovakia were represented at the meeting of its consuls and Italy, Germany, Belgium, France and Romania.
For more information:

El dia 6 de mayo 2010 el presidente de Aragón, D. Marcelino Iglesias, ha mantenido un Encuentro con una Representación del Cuerpo Consular acreditado en Aragón, asiícomo with students on scholarships from the Government of Aragon in Europe, the Erasmus students and students of the master of the Royal Institute of European Studies.
The meeting took place in the framework of the celebration of Europe Day (May 9) and the president has stressed the crucial moment it goes across Europe. "Europe is more necessary than ever" said.
In turn, the Dean of the Consular Corps and Honorary Consul of Slovakia, D. Jean Paul Bastiaans, intervened with his speech and stressed eurpeísta, addressing students, the importance of training future given the strong competition from other emerging powers like China, India and others.
asist by del Cuerpo Consular Cónsules los de los Países: Italia, Alemania, Bélgica, Francia y Rumanía.
Para más informacion:

Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Winmount And Blade

Day After Work (Cd Guzman)

Date: May 2, 2010

Location: The Liar , Cd Guzman Jalisco.

Well, this time it motivates me to know Cd Guzman, Jal. (Famous place of good toast .. jejej Try it!)
and movement "alternative" (hehehe) appeared in Ciudad Guzman, and that "SOMOSMASHUP ( ) have ventured to bring bands to the national scene, it would like us to think that is very true the saying that the

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" and these kids came to gamble, organizing event called "Day After Work", bringing

(Hong Kong Blood Opera, Vicente Gayo, Enema, Mutantek, Hey Jeu)

the day arrived, and the sound was not pointing at things to go pro But the moves and plans B, of the boys, made the event go ahead, started ENEMA, which are collimated, to warm the ears of the audience. Gradually people were paying attention to the bands.

second, we had to Hermosillo, the HKBO, which won the Rockampeonato telcel 2007, and I remember when I saw them in 2008 made me .. well caguengues yeah AsIII the truth, or he called me his music, so it = S. ... but oooh big surprise, that changed my thinking to these guys I have an amazing energiaa able to infect the present, like it or not you have fun ! and more if the member puts on a shirt of JACOB, if that is the very marked character boy ♥ NEW MOON. jajaja !!.... I do not remember how many songs were played, but asked those present another, another ... and on his return that was less than one minute and closed with a flourish. leaving a good taste of the audience.

later, the chilangazazazasooosss (boys pocket) hehehe ... of GAYO VICENTE, with its variety of instruments known, got spark on the ground, they spread their steps and applause. know how to handle the public to be integrated into the same channel. no doubt that were this year's poster Vive Latino. as I imagine they are good live, but if I get to decide ..... HKBO, I liked more.

yielded no time to done a bit of "dancin 'with Mutantek and Hey Jeu. but the evening became very pleasant to listen some national proposals that we have.

the beer was rich, and cost 40, the barrel. lol enjoy it a lot. I liked the intro they put pictures of the event. worth the risk to go to Cd Guzman, without knowing. or know what to expect.

define this experience in 2 words: risky and amusing.

Applause. :)!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Difference Between Klonopin And Rivotril

Arctic Monkeys Only photos ..... APRIL


City: Alternate Forum The UDG

Date: April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Image Uterus Before Marriage

ALTERNATIVE My Comments Fischerspooner, Franz Ferdinand, Camera Obscura (Guadalajara)

I'm not good to review, if I lock up when I try to tell me some gossip of mine, or someone else, haha! but ..... if he had to translate at least my experience of what is happening in my city, and the concerts that have been presenting ... fortunate mind as I could go ...

is going my experience:


WHERE: Studio Theatre Cavaret

DATE: April 7, 2010

obviously you can tell the influence of the city from which they originate, " LAS VEGAS" , city, full of professional shows put together.

since mounting the stage look you may notice a giant wardrobe that promises to shine in the show. and so was Casey spooner folk know how to wear a costume, I agree that I am a fan of using exotic things, but never reach the excesses of using something like dancers or dancers? ... no one knew they were the truth ... the gender question is part of a unique show like Fischerspooner, including reversal and flirting you let go for good music these gringos. I was short and loaded ... if those two words I can describe this show, I left a good impression. I enjoyed that very much.



DATE: 9 APRIL 2010

because on Friday which would see FRANZ FERDINAND in GDL, I come! ...

When you arrive at the surprise me that the entry was not left at the box office, as I have seen and are usually in place, the entrance was on the right, where did the lines to the area Gold, Silver and Bronze .. aaaah! noo it? GENERAL latter was ... (Spent with the names of areas) hehe ... access was slow, and the organization seems to me bad = (... usher people took the Auditorio Telmex, the Alternate Forum for entry, felt they did not know that building a lot, but then who else ???.. you can tell people they have already dealt with these events, well ...

comes and I stand at the General area, and then again luck was on my side and I could spend a silver bracelet in the area will not be alone in general:)! my location was behind the console, where jumping and stopping the tips you could see the boys in Glasgow, began with a visual with your name and the song "BITE HARD " and so were accommodating this setlist:

note: the Scottish song is Take Me Out

SIMPLE and QUALITY GROUP, so I can describe this show, in my opinion, there was no display for attendees of the way back (silver area and general area) could do with more detail, but I notice that they are good FRANZ FERDINAND are notooo!

unfortunately even the property will not convince me, with respect to audio and organization there is always something that does not fit very well .. should do that ...?

Franz dove, that left me dissappointed, because I love when a group farewell with synthesizers playing ....


Venue: Theatre Studio Cavaret

Date: April 14, 2010

and reached the turn of the melodious voice of Tracyanne Campbell, lead singer of Scottish band Camera Obscura, well before the talented group will present local tapatio (which I must confess, it takes to learn his name) " Antoine Reverb." ..

very disappointed I really sound this time of Theatre Studio Cavaret, there was another fallita in the show that malvibraron a little, but that does not dull the talent of a good band such as Camera Obscura, women too to 70's with eyebrow arch, dress and skirt colorful flowers and the whole thing, men with vest and tie, give a class well done. hehehe ...

describe the show in 2 words: melancholy and LLEGADOR.

here I leave the setlist:)

and now if I liked to take some pictures:)!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Advice Foam Insulation

Slovakia at the World Expo Shanghai 2010.

In the period from 1 May to 31 October in Shanghai will further show the world World Expo enables the presentation of unique ideas and visions for the future of mankind. Choosing the main motto of the exhibition "Better City, Better Life" largely influenced by the assumption that at present only 25% of the human population lives just in cities.

exposure Slovakian theme is "World for Humanity" The world of humanity. Organizers account of fat that most viewers will come from different cultural backgrounds, which uses its own symbolism. Even so, the story of the city in our pavilion paraphrase universal film language. The story of the city from its inception until today, which will overlap a few plot, projected on several screens. They will meet at some point and then again divided into separate narratives.

"I believe that the exposure of the Slovak Republic among about 200 exhibitors will not disappear, because he wants to reach out not only understanding, but also the hearts of visitors, "said Margo to download Pavilion Commissioner-General of the Slovak Republic SR Ivan Magátová participation.

recalled that Mr. Ivan Magátová was the Deputy Commissioner General, Mr Dusan Horniak in successful representation of our country at the international Expo Zaragoza 2008. Even from our Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in Zaragoza wish Mrs Commissioner General and our entire stand a lot of success at the world exhibition EXPO Shanghai 2010. Pre

VIAC informácií:

Slovakia takes positions in the World Exposition Shanghai 2010 Expo.

From May 1 to October 31 opened in another World Expo Shanghai to represent ideas and unique and extraordinary visions for the future of humanity. The choice of the theme of the exhibition "Better City, Better Life" reflects the overwhelming reality that currently 25% of the population lives in cities. Exposure Slovak

be held under the slogan "World for Humanity" World for Humanity. Those responsible have been taken into account that most visitors come from a cultural environment very different from ours, with its own symbolism. Therefore, the history of the city should be included in the universal language - the language of cinema in the film to be different lines of themes and content that at some point later come together to continue their separate ways.

"I am convinced that Slovakia's exposure will not be lost among the 200 exhibitors because it is addressed not only to reason but also the heart" said the Commissioner General Ms. Ivana Magátová.

Magátová recall that Ms. Ivana was the deputy of our representation at the EXPO Zaragoza 2008 and so formed part of the successful team led by Commissioner D. Dusan Horniak. From our Honorary Consulate wish the commissioner and the flag of our country's success in Shanghai.

For more information:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bsa Panoramic, Buckmark

Book recommendation: I, THE WORST. (Monica Levin)

I have to recommend, Music, and some other event. PEROOO .....

in 2010 I tried to become more attached to books as the character, describing Monica Lavin IN his book "I, the worst" this woman he describes in the book for the NEW SPAIN era, let me say that I felt "full", if that if today it is difficult for a woman to feel 100%, in their social role. Now imagine in New Spain , where the most you could ever aspire to be women depended on the status of the man that you married.

definitely choose a path where you could be doing what you like at 100% was a concept too far away and this woman try to reach a fullness always, many saw their taste for study as a defect, which was able to get party, and influential friends of course be done as the viceroys. Interestingly But despite not feel a strong call to the vocation of a nun, a Catholic nun was the fact of being "FULL" knew it was that or live frustrated and limited in the role of marriage and childbearing have a family to attend and that things were, all of this, his knowledge SED, to be feeding it every day books, which produced some wonderful works of literary art.
was assumed that for conservative people of that time they caused irritation see this woman grow.

The book is highly recommended if you like historical novels (of which I am FAN), all the stories covered in this book are the women who saw and moved the life of this wonderful woman named:

Juana Inés de la Cruz.

applause to the author:)!

"I, The Worst" editorial
Monica Lavin
: Grijalbo

Sor Juana appears in the Mexican airline high denomination. (200) is the only artist who appears on the bills, apart from Nezahualcoyotl also poet. Originally appeared in pesos hundred bucks , Which ended up turning inflation currencies. After cutting three zeros to the weight, Sor Juana emerged from circulation briefly, to reappear in the notes of two hundred dollars.
Sardinian poet José Vico Zatrilla and Manca Dedoni and wrote a poem dedicated to Sor Juana with the title: the heroic poem deserved / PAUSE of the only Oracle of / the / Muses, glorious assombro of Wits, and / Ce / lebre Phenix of Poetry, the enlightened and Ve / ne / Rabl Lady, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Religious Professa in the Monastery of San Geronimo in the Imperial City of Mexico, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1696
film director Maria Luisa Argentina Bemberg Was based on the story of Sor Juana to roll I, the worst of all
The company Iberia LAE, operating an Airbus 340 for long-haul lines named in his honor.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What To Feed A Dog With Pneumonia